start up ground work
Starting your own business is not just about having a dream. There are real steps to ensure your business a successful start.
So what are all of the things you should consider when launching your new brainchild?
successful start
The old adage goes: failure to plan is a plan for failure. Your business plan does not need to be complex or convoluted, but it is necessary.
If you are having a hard time pulling your plan together, our experts can help.
You've got the idea and you've got a plan. But you can't start a business without a little cold hard cash.
If you have it, you can always invest your own funds, but if you're like most, you'll need a little help
You may have a great idea, product or superior service, but have you thought about what image your startup will take on?
Often the difference between success and failure is creating a brand that consumers will recognize.
Without customers, it doesn't matter how great your product is, how well you branded you are, or how well funded your start-up is.
Learn how to get your product to market, target your audience and build a customer base.
News Bulletin
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- Ligj nr. 135/2013 datë 29.4.2013 Për disa shtesa dhe ndryshime në ligjin nr. 10 128, datë 11.5.2009 “Për tregtinë elektronike†Reference, Fletore Zyrtare Nr.80, Dt. 15 Maj 2013
- Ligj nr.126/2013 datë 25.4.2013 Për një shtesë dhe ndryshim në ligjin nr. 10 383, datë 24.2.2011“Për sigurimin e detyrueshëm të kujdesit shëndetësor në Republikën e Shqipërisë†Reference, Fletore Zyrtare Nr.76, Dt. 10 Maj 2013